Minimalism in Film Scoring – A historical evaluation of both the history of the genre and its recent use in film scoring

Must include
An introduction that sets out your topic, argument, and its connection to a selected theme from the course
Several paragraphs elaborating on your topic and your ideas, backed up with evidence gleaned from your research on scholarly sources
A discussion of how your paper topic relates to a theme from the course
A conclusion that restates, in a new way, some of the core points of your paper
A list of sources cited, which can include books, journals, scholarly websites, etc., using the Chicago style.
The body of the paper (everything excluding the sources cited) must be no less than 1750 words and no more than 2000 to receive full credit. Please put word count on cover page.
Encyclopedia articles are *not* acceptable “academic” sources
Please limit the number / percentage of direct quotations from outside sources. If you do quote, do so according to Chicago guidelines.
Ideas (30 marks):
Highly competent (25-30): an interesting, clear and focused idea is established and maintained; an original interpretation and a distinctive perspective is generated; a deep understanding of the subject is demonstrated, and a high level of critical thinking is shown; the demands of the assignment are fully satisfied.
Competent (20-24): good, consistent focus or purpose; evidence of perspective and/or suitable tone.
Adequate (15-19): some focus; evidence of attempt to communicate with an audience.
Accuracy and relevance of examples from research & course materials (30 marks):
Highly competent (25-30): depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging and pertinent details; logical points support the central thesis; careful organization enhances presentation.
Competent (20-24): depth of idea development supported by developed, relevant details; logical organization.
Adequate (15-19): basic idea development; repetitious and/or underdeveloped details; some evidence of organization; lapses in focus and/or coherence.
Mechanics and style (10 marks):
Highly competent (8-10): no or few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations and formatting; sophisticated and varied sentence structure that enhances the effect of the paper; precise, rich language.
Competent (5-7): few errors; controlled and varied sentence structure; appropriate, effective language. Or, some errors, but not enough to interfere with communication.
I will be exploring the evolution of technology in music production and consumption as well as the influences both music and technology have on each other. I will be focusing a lot on technology in modern minimalism which is becoming increasingly popular in part due to technology making the reliance on extreme repetition more performable. One medium where this has become increasingly relevant is film scoring — many directors themselves have stated a preference on working with minimalistic scores as they are easier to edit for their films. I will look into this phenomenon; a minimalistic film composer who I may delve into is Brittel, perhaps the most prominent purely minimalistic film composer working today to acheive any significant success. To really delve into the history of minimalism and technology I will be using Robert Fink’s Repeating Ourselves as a prominent source throughout the paper. I have also linked to a journal article which i referenced heavily alone in this paper topic summary that provide a lot history regarding the evolution of technology in film scoring as well as the introduction of minimalism.
If you don’t have access to the book, read summaries to get an idea and try and use quotations.

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