Junk Food: Should the government regulate our intake?

Eng. 201 Essay 3 Analyzing verbal and visual rhetoric An analysis of how images contribute to, and impact, verbal arguments necessitates careful critique of the strategies in visual rhetoric.Chapter 4 is all over this. Most observations of visual rhetoric involve degrees of emotional appeals or techniques to clarify data. Some visual rhetoric may enhance material with humor or satire. Certain choices this is about manipulation—either so that you pay attention to X and not Y, or that you don’t/can’t pay attention to X or Y because the media maker has an interest in not having the audience know what the issue is about that the presenters of visual material (photographers, cartoonists, statisticians, artists, etc.) yield rich matter to examine such as:Content, placement, coloring, sizing, setting, posture, forms/shapes, style, beauty, humor, grotesqueness, symbolism, caricature/exaggeration, maps, graphics, illustration, composition, font, etc. Chapter 4, again, is all over this. . .remember sexuality, attractiveness/awkwardness/vulgarity, stereotyping, shock, ridiculousness, misleading/taken out of context, etc.You will study how images achieve their purpose effectively or ineffectively for reporting a stance on an issue. Directions:Use the checklists in chapter 4 to analyze a combination of verbal and visual materials (1 broadcast/televised news report NOT out of a newspaper but literally something you watch on a Youtube post/a channel archive like CNN or NBC or Fox, 1 data presentation perhaps embedded in an article, but an actual visual graphic of numerical information,1 cartoon also may be embedded in an article but there are EXCELLENT stand-out artists who have quite the reputation, and 1 public service announcement this would be a non-profit organization/scholarly POSTER more than a documentary/advertisement; it should be a stationary message rather than a video/infomercial– AND 1 OR 2 essays from ONE of the following casebooks (5+ sources total can be 6 if you choose to present multiple perspectives) to examine:19 A College Education: What is its purpose?20 Race and Police Violence: How do we solve the problem?21 Junk Food: Should the government regulate our intake?22 Online versus IRL: How has social networking changed how we relate to one another?23 Immigration: What is to be done? 24 The Carceral State: Why are so many Americans in jail?25 American Exceptionalism: How should the United States teach about its past? Notice the designations of searching for NEWS, DATA, CARTOONS, PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS for the topic along with ONE SELECTED ESSAY—verbal and visual material. Additional possibilities may include advertisements, Youtube, and art IF you have a hard time, for instance. I.E. the immigration issue (ch. 23) may not always appear to yield a cartoon (although you may remember the inflammatory ones we had during fallacies—that’s IMPORTANT to notice!), so you might be more comfortable with a muralist/painter who has captured immigration, instead. Consider the quality and reputation of the source (CNN, NYTimes, National Geographic, TIME, etc.) and AVOID sensational publications (National Enquirer, Star, etc.).research is KEY to success in your choices for analysisDevelop a thesis addressing whether the images in the materials shape the issue effectively or ineffectively. In other words, do the visuals clarify, distort, emotionally imbue, bias, neutralize, advocate, or criticize, and at what levels of effectiveness? Can the audience really rely sufficiently on the media to understand such an issue or does the verbal argument offer much more? Are some mediated sources better than others? Compare the images with each other for how they impact the topic/the verbal message(s).

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