7-page comprehensive paper, a 1-page quality improvement storyboard

I downloaded two different scenarios to choose from,a template that is to be used for the storyboard, source to help, rubrics,directions, and pointers.

Access the Following to Complete this Assessment: Storyboard Template Review the following website regarding the use of a quality improvement storyboard, and provide examples of the information and interventions that need to be included in a storyboard: Multi-State Learning Collaborative. (2008). Guidelines for development of quality improvement storyboards. Retrieved from https://www.naccho.org/uploads/downloadable-resources/document.pdf Your Deliverables for this Assessment include: Part 1. Comprehensive Paper Part 2. Storyboard

Ok, so first thing …Many students need two attempts at 4005. BUT I am going to give some tips below to help you set up your paper, and what must be included. I Hope this helps 🙂

Your paper needs to be set up with the following parts:

APA paper format, including a correct title page, pagination, margins, spacing, and headings. This paper will likely be at least 7-8 pages without the title and reference pages.

Use a Level 1 APA heading-Practice Problem-
Discuss your problem and please include your data. You must discuss how you know a problem existed. You cannot use anecdotal information. Please include a purpose statement- what will this paper tell your reader? Discuss that you will review the evidence, identify tools, and a quality process (model) and the resources needed to implement the quality improvement plan

Next heading -Level 1 – Literature Review or Analysis of the Evidence
What evidence or research did you find that you can use as interventions/solutions you can use in your plan? A minimum of five resources where you synthesize the information you found. There are no opinions, or examples from your practice setting here, just the evidence.

Heading Level 1 -Quality Improvement Tool- which quality tool(s) will you use?

New heading Level one-Quality Improvement Process
Identify and described the QI process selected to be appropriate to address the practice problem. Please consider PDSA, FADE or Six Sigma and discuss why this is a good model or process to use for your problem. This isn’t your plan – Just a description of the process this needs to be a thorough discussion. you described this process when you were discussing mammon’s wait times

New heading Level one -Evidence-Based Practice Plan
This is where you will take your chosen model and and describe the complete plan. The plan is more than the interventions you will use- So for PDSA model you will set your paper up like this:
P Plan- what will you do in this phase of the model?
D-Do- these are your interventions you found in the literature, describe and support with the evidence, if you have a solution you are going to implement you need to cite the evidence from your literature review.
S-Study- What will you do here?
A Act – what will you do in this phase?
The same applies if you use FADE or the DMAIC/Six Sigma Be sure to include when you will remeasure and what happens if there is no improvement

New heading Level one-Resources Needed or Resources Used Supplies, education, rooms for education etc $? Any resource you need to implement your plan, not just people.

heading- conclusion
Revisit the major parts of your paper, include the model you use too.

Your storyboard is a visual representation of your paper, use the same information

Correctly cited reference page

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