• Our Understanding of Air Pollution’s Health Effects Deepened: A wave of studies have tied air pollution to an expanding range of health problems

Content: Choose a particular chemical topic/study, summarize the research, and discuss the impact on society. Available topics can be found in the Writing Assignment folder in the Blackboard Course Content.
o Your target audience is the general public. Please explain everything in layman’s terms, and assume that your target audience knows nothing about your topic. For instance, all scientific/medical abbreviations must be defined (i.e., don’t just refer to “ACS” without saying what it stands for).
o All text must be written in your own words. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You should only use direct quotes if they are necessary to enhance a point. Refer to the plagiarism guidelines provided in the Blackboard Course Content.

o Content will be presented as a digital poster on a single PowerPoint slide. The website http://writing.engr.psu.edu/posters.html provides design suggestions, examples, and PowerPoint templates.
o Your poster should be set up using the following format so that it can be scaled down to fit on standard paper: landscape view, 40” x 32” or 44” x 36”. A full size version will NOT be printed.
o Choose appropriate font sizes and colors for your poster so that when they are scaled down to fit on a standard 8 ½” x 11” paper they can be easily read.
o All text (including your name) should be done with a computer, not handwritten.
o On the front of your poster, you must include a small block that includes your name, CHM 106, Wor-Wic Community College, and your semester/year (i.e. Fall 2018).
o Include a title: the goal of the study would be an appropriate title for your poster.
o Everything must be contained within the margins on one side (the front!) of your poster.

Required sections: your poster must have all of the following sections with the exact titles listed below and include all of the requested content. Sections other than the abstract can be written in complete sentences or bulleted lists. If lists are used, they must have complete descriptions and include APA style in-text citations.

Abstract: This section should be written in complete sentences and give a summary of your work (no new information). Citations are not necessary in this section since the sources are cited elsewhere on the poster. The other poster sections can be bulleted lists.

Introduction or Objectives
o Background material that provides justification for the study.

o A description of the techniques used.
o Figures can also be used to illustrate the method or materials used in the study.

o Explain the results of the study.
o Graphs, diagrams, and tables should be included to provide a clearer statement or summary of the research.

o Discuss whether the results of the study support or reject statement(s) made in the introduction.
o Explain the relevance of the results.

o You must have a complete list of references at the end/bottom of the poster in correct APA Style.

o You must include at least one visual, but feel free to use more.
o Visuals should enhance and clarify the written information.
o Every photo or figure must have a figure number and a caption. The caption should be a brief, but complete explanation of the figure.

Your report must include in-text citations in APA format.
 The following should always have a citation in order to avoid plagiarism:
o Any information, ideas, facts that are not common knowledge, or direct quotes.
o Visuals that were not created by you. A citation should be included after the caption, following the same format you would use for an in-text citation.
 Use the following guidelines in preparing your in-text citations:
o If there is more than one source for the information in a section or paragraph, each piece of information must have a citation adjacent to it.
o The in-text and visual citations must clearly match the items in the reference section.

You must use at least 4 references for the text portion (not counting visuals) following these guidelines:
o At least 2 must be from the Wor-Wic electronic database (available through the WWCC media centers)
o At least 1 must be a “peer-reviewed” or “refereed article” from a professional science/medical journal (this can count as one of your 2 articles from the Wor-Wic electronic database)
o No more than one – general reference book (e.g., encyclopedia)
o No more than two – web sites (must be “legitimate” sources e.g., American Chemical Society); (NOT Wikipedia, blogs, advertisements for medicines, or special interest group websites/literature)
o No more than two science reference books (e.g., your chemistry text)
o As many as you want – professional science journals, popular science magazines or widely distributed news magazines (e.g., Discover, National Geographic, Time, Newsweek etc.)


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