Definition essay on what it means to be an American from your POV
Approximately 2 pages in length (maybe 3) — no more than three and no less than two full pages. You can stop anywhere on page three but not before.
Double spaced
12 font
New Roman Times — font
1 inch margins on all sides
Send as an attachment in Word to the same place your download the guidelines
Place title in center of page on separate title page.
On that same title page place your name, your class, and my name in the upper left side of the page.
Do you have an organized and developed paper?
Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence?
Do you have a thesis that controls the development of the paper?
Does your thesis illustrate a claim and a justification?
Have you done spell and grammar check?
Have you spoken specifically about your subject?
Have you elaborated on ideas expressed?
Are you focused in your discussion?
Do you have a singular discussion?
Have you built on the thesis and advanced the thesis?
Is your essay a mature and thoughtful discussion? (If it is a rambling and/or stream of conscious, without any thought to how to build this argument, this is always bad for business.)