I need a response to another students paper. The original prompt was : Define and discuss the critical appraisal process for EITHER quantitative or qualitative research-based evidence. Identify one or more critical appraisal tool(s) that are used. It needs to include a biblical integration as well.
What good is research if there is not an accurate reflection of the claims being made or if the information is not dependable? According to our text when evidence is critically appraised the research is evaluated for its accuracy and determined if the study was conducted appropriately. (Hall & Roussel, 2017).
Proverbs 16: 11 (NLT) states ‘The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness.’ God demands honesty and justice; this is incredibly relatable when offering or providing medical services. Research should be a precise representation of findings to provide better patient outcomes.
“Assessing the research methods used in the study is a prime step in its critical appraisal. This is done using checklists which are specific to the study design” (Al-Jundi, 2017, p. 1).
There are several considerations that should be reviewed when filtering validity. Such as the design of the study, measurement of outcomes, statistical methods or results, how the samples were chosen and if they are an accurate reflection of the population. (Al-Jundi, 2017, p. 1). Gathering such facts assesses the research from several angles. Using resources such as the CASP checklist helps to further dissect aspects of the research and make connections of the process. Recognizing different techniques that are used in different studies helps distinguish which outcomes best suit certain settings. (Hall & Roussel, 2017).
The appraisal process is even more valued when sifting data that influences healthcare delivery. Since qualitative findings are connected to an individual’s experience appraisal of evidence is a process that should be utilized by clinicians. Learning to use these practices can contribute to nursing knowledge and theory. (Hall & Roussel, 2017). “Meta‐synthesis could serve to re‐interpret, compare and translate different qualitative studies, using a different conceptual apparatus, into a consolidated knowledge of fundamental importance” (Bergdahl, 2019, p. 7).