Provide a comprehensive answer using your reading, knowledge and experience for this Discussion Question. Does Just War Theory truly justify the triumph of good over evil, or is it simply a justification for the use of force relative to the side one is on? Apply three Just War tenets to the United States and those same Just War tenets to the al-Qaeda and explain if the war on terrorism is absolutely just to one side, or if it is just relative to the side one is on.
Cahill, L. S. (1994). Love your enemies: Discipleship, pacifism and just war theory. Minnesota: Fortress Press.
Chapter 1: Pacifism or Just War Thinking?
Chapter 5: Justice, War, and the Common Good
Chapter 6: Reformation Interpretations of Just War
Christopher, P. (2004). The ethics of war and peace: An introduction to legal and moral issues (3rd ed.). Retrieved from
Section I: The Just War Tradition
White, J. E. (2012). Contemporary moral problems: War, torture, terrorism and assassination (4th ed.). United States: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
“Rethinking the Just War Tradition”
“The Slippery Slope to Preventative War”
“The Terrorist’s Tacit Message”