Using no more than 800 words, excluding in-text citation (footnotes) and reference, provide a literature review of the Concise Statement regarding Westpac Banking Corporation’s breach of the AML/CTF Act 2006 (Cth) on more than 23 million occasions (
11/Westpac%20concise%20statement%20-%20November%202019.pdf). The statement is also attached in the attachment, named as “Westpac concise statement – November 2019”).
The literature review must include definition of key terms or concepts, discussion of relevant law, policy or practices, including providing a summary of relevant primary sources (e.g. legislation, court judgements and government policy documents) and secondary sources (e.g. academic articles).
Lecture slides on money laundering are attached, and are named as “CLAW3210 Topic 3…”, “CLAW3210 Topic 4A…”, “CLAW3210 Topic 4B…”, and “CLAW3210 Topic 5…”
The textbook excerpt related to money laundering and terrorist funding is also attached and named as “Excerpt on Money Laundering.”
Related legislations, including AML/CTF Act 2006 (Cth), Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) Division 400, and FATF Recommendations 2012, are also included as attachments and named accordingly.
It is expected for the paper to include reference that is provided in addressing the topic, i.e. the Concise Statement as previously mentioned, and then to use 2 or more scholarly references. The paper is expected to be referenced using AGLC4 format.