1) Topic: Try to think of a specific question that relates to this course (ENVS 1402). You are welcome to select something that relates to botany, environmental science, or both. Be as specific as possible. If you need tips/suggestions, please contact the instructor
2) Length: A minimum of 3 full pages.
3) General format: This is an APA style research paper. You will be presenting a specific topic. Research citations and references must be included within your paper. Standard margins, standard type, etc.
4) Title page: Title page is needed. Include your name as well as the due date and the course info (ENVS 1402)
5) Abstract: APA style includes an abstract. This is a brief (1 – 2 paragraph) summary of your research paper. It is recommended that this section be the very last part of your paper you write.
6) Works cited page: Minimum of 2 outside resources
7) Citation style: APA. Be sure to include citations within the paper. You can use either direct quotes or paraphrasing information.
8) References: Approval is required for references. Some widely accepted sites include: National Geographic, Scientific American, Science Daily, and Nature. You may also use material from US Newspapers.
In addition to the basic research, please make sure you address the following questions: 1) How does this topic relate to ENVS 1402? 2) How is this topic applicable to the average person?